Risk of Rain 2 Cheats
Want an upper hand in Risk fo Rain 2? Nerds and Scoundrels can help you with that. Keep reading to get all of the Risk of Rain 2 cheats right here!

How to get every Achievement (the dirty way).
- Navigate to your userdata folder …Steam\userdata\[Number]\632360\remote\UserProfiles
- Edit the file in the folder with Notepad++ (or Notepad).
- Find the line near the top that says [AchievementsList].
- Remove all text inside it.
- Type in the space where the text was.
KillBossQuick KillEliteMonster CompleteTeleporter CompleteTeleporterWithoutInjury MajorMultikill AttackSpeed StayAlive1 CompleteThreeStages Discover10UniqueTier1 MoveSpeed LoopOnce Discover5Equipment FailShrineChance TotalMoneyCollected RepeatFirstTeleporter Complete20Stages Complete30StagesCareer CompleteUnknownEnding KillTotalEnemies FreeMage HardHitter MaxHealingShrine TotalDronesRepaired LogCollector RepeatedlyDuplicateItems CarryLunarItems Die5Times ChargeTeleporterWhileNearDeath CompleteThreeStagesWithoutHealing KillElementalLemurians CompletePrismaticTrial CompleteMultiBossShrine HardEliteBossKill FindDevilAltar FindTimedChest FindUniqueNewtStatues SuicideHermitCrabs
Characters + Items
- Navigate to your userdata folder …Steam\userdata\[Number]\632360\remote\UserProfiles.
- Edit the file in the folder with Notepad++ (or Notepad).
- Find the line near the bottom that says </stats>.
- Copy and Paste the Code you want below all the names that say <unlock>text.text</unlock>.
Make sure to indent everything the same.
All Characters
All Items
All Characters & Items
Just a combined list of the characters and items you can unlock.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that’s the full list! Did you find our Risk of Rain 2 Cheats guide helpful? If so, let us know in the comment section below. And don’t forget to check out the rest of our Risk of Rain 2 content here at Nerds and Scoundrels.