Spuds Unearthed – Combat Guide
Virtual Reality (VR) gaming has been the new hotness for some time now, and Spuds Unearthed is the next title to get into the action. In Spuds Unearthed, you will guide your army of potatoes (No, really) into combat against infested potatoes and other players. Want a quick guide on how combat works? Check out our Spuds Unearthed Combat Guide here at Nerds and Scoundrels.

Spuds Unearthed Combat Guide
Spuds are your main weapon in combat. Each spud has different capabilities and usages. To begin, you will be placed above your Defense System once you reach the battlefield. The most important thing in the early stages of the fight is to act quickly. The moment you hit the field, your enemies will swarm you. You will need to quickly deploy your spuds to win.
The join the battle, you’ll need to get your Spuds on the battlefield. To do so, you’ll just need to reach down and grab them from your Defense System and throw them into the field. Once they are on field, they will begin fighting on their own. That includes using vehicles and turrets to battle the enemy army.
Each battlefield has three lanes that connect the two Defense Systems to each other. You will need to break through the lanes to attack the enemy Defense System and win.
Turrets are a stationary weapon that can be used in the battle against Spuds and Goonbots alike (more on Goonbots below). You can deploy up to two turrets per battle. You will need to place the turrets in slots on your home planet before a fight if you intend to use them.
Turrets aren’t free; you’ll need to spend Tokens you accumulate during gameplay. These include both Interaction Tokens and Mechanics Tokens. Building turrets requires a Turret Factory.
Spuds aren’t entirely on their own; you can assign vehicles for them to use in battle. To deploy vehicles, you will need the vehicle subsystem plugged into the specifically marked spot in your Defensive System. Once installed, that vehicle will appear in your Defensive System.
Installing Spuds in Vehicles
There are two different vehicles you can use in Spuds Unearthed: Tanks and Planes. Any spud can operate them, but Driver Spuds get a bonus to tanks and Pilot Spuds get a bonus to planes.
To use the vehicle, first place the Spud inside while in the Defensive System. For planes, you can then just throw it into the battlefield to fight. For tanks, you must place the manned tank on the elevator to allow it to drive into battle.
Throwing Vehicles as Weapons
Vehicles are good for more than just mobilized potato combat. You can actually pick up empty vehicles from the Defensive System and throw them into the battlefield. When the vehicle lands it will explode, doing AOE damage to nearby enemies.
Goonbots are reminiscent of DOTA, in that they are mindless NPCs for each army that form a frontline for each battle. They operate on their own without player input, and spawn from their side’s Defense System. You can assign Goonbots to Subsystems on your Home Planet with the Subsystem Upgrade Center.
Nerds and Scoundrels
That concludes our Spuds Unearthed Combat Guide. Did you find this guide helpful? If you’re ready to jump into VR battle and sling some potatoes, let us know in the comment section below. And don’t forget to check out the rest of our Spuds Unearthed coverage here at Nerds and Scoundrels.