How to Shoot Monobeasts in Two Point Hospital
Much like in the game’s predecessor, Theme Hospital, it will be necessary from time to time to shoot vermin hiding in your hospital. The invading creatures in Two Point Hospital are Monobeasts. The Two Point Hospital Monobeast is a nuisance, but you can deal with them! Keep reading the Nerds and Scoundrels Guide on How to Shoot Monobeasts to learn how to blap these critters!

Table of Contents
What are Monobeasts in Two Point Hospital?
Monobeasts are tiny creatures that look like furry worms or caterpillars. That’s because they are vermin that detach from your patients that suffer from Monobrow! These critters can be fairly rare; expect to encounter them far more often if the hygiene of your hospital is low.
Monobeasts can be hard to find. They move quickly and rarely stay out in the open. The creatures will always either be hiding or moving from one hiding spot to another. If you are concerned about them, pick up pieces of furniture and see if there are any monobeasts underneath. They are known to love radiators! They also like benches, snack machines, and drink machines.
How to Shoot Two Point Hospital Monobeasts
Finding the monobeasts is typically the toughest part. One tip is to search for them while the game is paused. If you move a piece of furniture with monobeast in it, the vermin will be visible underneath.
Please note that you can’t shoot them while the game is paused. When you find a monobeast, unpause the game and be ready as they will make a break for it. There are two general approaches for this. Some people will go to an older hospital they are no longer playing and clear out all of the furniture while the game is paused. This should uncover some of the little buggers. Others will design their hospital with unusually long, empty hallways. Once a monobeast wanders into one of these, it is a shooting gallery without any cover.
To shoot the monobeast, you need only to hover your mouse over them until a cross-hair appears. be sure your game speed is on normal. They can move quickly even on normal speed, so shooting at them on a higher speed is needlessly difficult.
How to Attract Them
Shooting them is one thing; finding them is another. Many players have complained about not being able to find these little guys, and I had the same problems at first. The key is to know where to look. Monobeasts like to congregate in two places more than other. The first is beneath trash bins. The second is under the reception desk. Lift up either of these options regularly in order to find a small swarm.
Getting the High Brow Achievement
There a number of achievments in Two Point Hospital, and some of them are secret. One of them – High Brow – involves blasting away at some monobeasts! So how did I earn this achievement? Beware, spoilers ahead!
The same recommendations for shooting monobeasts apply to these efforts, but you’ll need to quick since missing one resets the counter. About that counter – there is a bug you should be aware of. You will actually obtain this achievement when the counter hits nine. For some reason, the first monobeast you shoot will not be reflected in the count.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And now you know how to shoot monobeasts in Two Point Hospital! If this Nerds and Scoundrels guide was helpful, let us know in the comments! And be sure to check out the rest of Two Point Hospital content including our Ultimate Walkthrough!
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